I’ve written about a bunch of different things here. If you’re looking for a quick sampling, maybe try what I think are my best posts.
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Exercises for converting SQL queries into Haskell syntax
One-dimensional self-similar text generation
Combining simple sliders to form visemes
Emergent behavior from simple rules
Analogies from lower dimensions
Layers of beats
My new favorite box modeling technique
Calculating the extents of cubic curves
An informal formal systems talk
Inventing an automated spoken language
Basic auth becomes basically everything
A simple extended study program
Building a simple road map route finder
Voting in a context where you can't vote for yourself
How likely is the winner of the first game to win the series?
Playing with partially-shared records
Learning how to digitally sculpt 3d humans
Programmatically adding assets to a level
For solo jazz piano
My talk from Haskell Talks at Mercury 2022
More sheet music transcription
An infinite source of numbers
My experience transcribing sheet music by ear
Stealing syntax...somewhat
Picking apart types and values
Shortcuts, inspiration-inducing ideas, and more
Code speedups and unlocking creativity
Recipes for reordering arguments
An unusual programming language
Adding dark mode wasn't that bad
And why you might want to
Excellence through focus, or linkages?
What I've listened to
Why do the top couple YouTube covers of "Numb" by Linkin Park sound strange?
Type-level functions to count possible terms
Structures, strictness, and ST
How can we shrink a range given additional constraints?
A frivolous fun fact
Constructing dice from other dice
A Template Haskell Adventure
Something to watch for while using record updating syntax
Supershuffling sequences
The need for going beyond propositional logic to capture causal structure
Learning to lookup
Thoughts on sneaking proofs into hidden layers
A straightforward design in Rust
Quick reflections on designing a wrapper library for ease of use
Responses to a few of Nagel's Questions
A near-minimal example
Nicely-typed lightweight database-backed APIs on the cheap
The quick Monte Carlo approach to a permutation problem
Reinforcement learning implementation in PyTorch
Algebraic closure and structure complexity
On the emotional content of music
Are riskier choices freer?
How to defeat any moral system and still learn nothing
Translations from pure SQL
How to count what we can't see
A numerical anumerical
How various languages apply one argument at a time
Another reason to not treat nulls like values
A critique, a retrospective, an experience
Moving new-ish programmers towards more readable code
The simple word reduction algorithm behind generating free groups on any set
Using networks to uncover obscure dataset shapes
Thinking in infinite distributions
An kid's introduction to value theory
Handling boundaries with values and types
It's good to solidify work, but not prematurely
Training a convolutional neural network on the Chars74K dataset
Solving parity problems with recurrent neural networks
Dedication-constrained problems
A lot of simple math describing qubits
Some observations about examples in Type-Driven Development with Idris
A simple table for calculating dice roll chances
Managing a list of uncertain events
Partially applied higher-order functions can replace some macros
An inductive counting problem
Generating magic squares with backtracking, in Rust
Implementing a super-simple stack-based language
Representational equality, identity functors, and the hashdot operator
A slew of national parks
It's more complex than it seems
Once more: the way to get good is to practice
Implementing basic Haskell lenses in twenty exercises
Boundaries and mysteries
Heatmapping channel usage over time
Playing with a simple genetic algorithm
Definitional flavors of the gamma function
Introductory insight into incentives
Building Android, iOS, and web apps with shared front-end logic
Order and chaos at different structural scales
Naturally even or odd
Achieving arbitrary approximation
No iteration!
Understanding execution is exciting
Confusing code and alphabetic enumeration
Ways to handle nonexistent values
Generated and human-edited music
How to be safer with next to no effort
Ways to turn things into other things
Playing with fun-to-visualize mathematical structures
Being bad at something never felt this good
Non-primitive-recursive functions and fork bombs
Calculating traffic loads
Another horribly abused phrase
Interpolation in its finest forms
Commands that improve your ghci experience
Light filters aren't spooky objects from beyond classical physics
Type-level Peano exponentiation comes to the rescue
You can have all three of C, A, and P
Trying to gain intuition for what happens at high speed
A beginner's guide to the ways Haskell helps us avoid errors
Generality, specificity, and their levels of precision
On being underpinned by a different kind of machine
An eschatological exploration
Remembering the conditions where it doesn't hold
A whirlwind tour through one of the conceptually simplest techniques for better reasoning
Bouncing around the circle of fifths
Mining the C code for interesting tidbits
Translating from MetaLua
Building up some intuition
Differences in some of my favorite sports, at scale
Infinite recursion defeats the type system once again!
How sum types help us avoid bugs
Abusing pattern matching for the greater good
Why these posts exist