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Tuple Prelude

A Template Haskell Adventure

Oh no! Evil forces from the Intergalactic Federation for the Advancement of Finite Heterogeneous Data Structures of Length No More Than Sixty-Two have captured us! They want us to rewrite some basic list functions from Haskell’s Prelude to work on tuples instead of lists.

Begrudgingly, we learn the strange layouts of their alien keyboards (is that Colemak?!) and get to typing:

head (Unit x1) = x1
head (x1, x2) = x1
head (x1, x2, x3) = x1
head (x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1
head (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) = x1

Luckily, we’ve remembered that GHC.Tuple exports Unit (defined as data Unit = Unit a), so we don’t miss the 1 case and anger our captors. It’s also nice that we don’t have to error out on an empty list, since we can just leave head () undefined. However, the work is very slow going. How many of these are we going to have to write? It seems tuples are defined up to length 62, which we can verify with ghci.

λ :t (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63)

<interactive>:1:1: error:
    A 63-tuple is too large for GHC
      (max size is 62)
      Workaround: use nested tuples or define a data type

That’s a lot of tuple typing. After lengthy negotiations, we finally convince the Federation forces to let us use Template Haskell to reduce the amount of redundant boilerplate. We also decide to call Template Haskell “TH” to reduce the amount of redundant boilerplate.

Because TH bubbles up a stage restriction error otherwise, we know we’ll need a separate module to import from. Let’s name it after what we wish we had in this situation: Helpers.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Helpers where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

Splices (which look like $( ... )) will go in Main and everything else in Helpers.

Headfirst into TH

Now, let’s get back to defining head. We want to be able to vary the tuple length across several functions, so we’ll take an Int argument. Since we’re defining an expression, we’ll use the Exp type.

headN :: Int -> Exp
headN n =

Exp gives us various options to choose from. We’re trying to build a function here, so let’s use LamE, the lambda constructor. LamE takes a list of patterns to match against, and an expression to run.

The expression is relatively straightforward. Assuming we name the first element of our tuples x1, as above, we just need to pass back a single-variable expression. VarE does this, taking a Name. For now, let’s create that name via mkName "x1".

headN :: Int -> Exp
headN n =
  LamE [undefined] (VarE $ mkName "x1")

We still need the pattern match argument to LamE. Just as we had VarE construct an x1 variable expression, we can use VarP to construct an x1 variable pattern match. Once we have our variable patterns from x1 to xN, we can combine them with TupP. Because it seems likely we’ll want to keep naming tuples, let’s build helper functions to do all this.

names :: Int -> Int -> [Name]
names a b = map (mkName . ('x':) . show) [a..b]

namedTupleP :: Int -> Pat
namedTupleP n = TupP . map VarP $ names 1 n

Then, we can test that names properly builds names from x1 to xN, and that namedTupleP produces the equivalent of a (x1, x2, x3...) pattern match in ghci.

λ names 1 10

λ namedTupleP 5
TupP [VarP x1,VarP x2,VarP x3,VarP x4,VarP x5]

Coming back to defining headN, we now have a complete Exp.

headN :: Int -> Exp
headN n =
  LamE [namedTupleP n] (VarE $ mkName "x1")

To actually use this, though, we’ll want to write a splice like $(headN 3) (1, 2, 3). These splices expect things wrapped up in the Q monad, though. We could use pure directly, as in $(pure $ headN 3) (1, 2, 3). Alternatively, we can alter the definition of headN just a little a bit, and continue to use $(headN 3) (1, 2, 3).

headN :: Int -> Q Exp
headN n =
  pure $ LamE [namedTupleP n] (VarE $ mkName "x1")

The Federation representatives seem less angry than before, but are discussing something earnestly….

Constructing functions ranging over tuple sizes

“Not good enough” is the verdict. Alien programmers don’t want to use such a…human-looking language, with strange $(headN 3) syntax everywhere. They’d much rather call functions like head3 directly. For this, we need some code that uses code that writes code to write code.

We know head is only viable on tuples of size 1 or greater, but there are other functions that might take a size-zero tuple (), so let’s pass a startingTupleSize argument. Passing a name prefix (the head in head3) lets us name our functions, and we have headN :: Int -> Q Exp, to pass as the third argument. rangeOverTuples gives us back a list of declarations—the functions head1 to headN.

rangeOverTuples :: Int -> String -> (Int -> Q Exp) -> Q [Dec]
rangeOverTuples startingTupleSize funcName funcForTupleSize =

Usage of this will look like

$(rangeOverTuples 1 "head" headN)

To be able to see what code TH is actually generating, from now on we’ll dump splices via ghc Main -ddump-splices. For now, let’s set maxTupleSize to 5 to keep dumped splices easier to read, with the intention of bumping it back up to 62 once we’re done fiddling with definitions.

maxTupleSize :: Int
maxTupleSize = 5

We can begin to fill out the body of rangeOverTuples by mapping over tuple sizes from the start to the max.

  forM [startingTupleSize..maxTupleSize] $ \tupleSize -> do

Grab the Exp from our funcForTupleSize :: Int -> Q Exp

    currentFunc <- funcForTupleSize tupleSize

And also make a name, like head5

    let name = mkName $ funcName ++ show tupleSize

With these pieces in place, we can construct a function declaration with FunD. It takes a Name and a list of Clauses. Looking at Clause [Pat] Body [Dec] we see we can pass in a list of patterns, but we’ve actually already done that in headN’s LamE. To keep things simple, stick with the lambda’s pattern match for now. We also don’t have any extra declarations here, since the lambda does everything we need it to do. We do need a Body. Because there are no guards, we can use NormalB (rather than GuardedB) and our existing currentFunc.

    pure $ FunD name [Clause [] (NormalB currentFunc) []]

Putting it all together, we get

rangeOverTuples :: Int -> String -> (Int -> Q Exp) -> Q [Dec]
rangeOverTuples startingTupleSize funcName funcForTupleSize =
  forM [startingTupleSize..maxTupleSize] $ \tupleSize -> do
    currentFunc <- funcForTupleSize tupleSize
    let name = mkName $ funcName ++ show tupleSize
    pure $ FunD name [Clause [] (NormalB currentFunc) []]

Now, when we splice this in:

$(rangeOverTuples 1 "head" headN)

…we get all the functions head1 through head5 in scope. After some tiny formatting liberties are taken, we can read the generated code fairly easily:

head1 = \ Unit x1 -> x1
head2 = \ (x1, x2) -> x1
head3 = \ (x1, x2, x3) -> x1
head4 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4) -> x1
head5 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> x1

A Tail of Two TH Versions

We’ve built up quite the toolkit for replacing just one Prelude function! Let’s get started on a few more.

After head, tail is fairly natural. The trickiest part is that now instead of a single VarE, we have to return a TupE. We can hijack names to get the correct list of names for this, but will need to write our own tupleE.

tailN :: Int -> Q Exp
tailN n =
  pure $ LamE [namedTupleP n] (tupleE $ names 2 n)

tupleE gets a list of names, turns them into VarE, and turns the list into a tuple via TupE. There’s really just one catch here, which is that TupE acts on a list of Maybe Exp as of TH 2.16.0, but acted directly on lists of Exp before then. (It was changed to support tuple sections.)

tupleE :: [Name] -> Exp
tupleE = TupE . map (Just . VarE)

If needed, we could use the CPP extension to conditionally support this behavior based on TH version. However, for simplicity, I’ll just assume we’re both on a recent enough version.

#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
preTupE :: a -> Maybe a
preTupE = Just
preTupE :: a -> a
preTupE = id

Like head, tail is partial on empty lists. So, we only generate tailN where N is 1 or greater. That’s all there is to it!

$(rangeOverTuples 1 "tail" tailN)

The generated code looks good to me:

tail1 = \ Unit x1 -> ()
tail2 = \ (x1, x2) -> Unit x2
tail3 = \ (x1, x2, x3) -> (x2, x3)
tail4 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4) -> (x2, x3, x4)
tail5 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> (x2, x3, x4, x5)

I’m going to take a minute to look around and see if there’s some way to escape this place. Do you mind writing initN and lastN?

initN :: Int -> Q Exp
initN n = 
  pure $ LamE [namedTupleP n] (tupleE $ names 1 (n-1))

lastN :: Int -> Q Exp
lastN n =
  pure $ LamE [namedTupleP n] (VarE . mkName $ "x" ++ show n)

A Lengthy Stay

Hey, I’m back. While I was looking around, some big ugly alien jailer came by and yelled at me in some language I could barely tell was a language, let alone decipher. I think we might be here a while. Do you mind if we work on something weirdly easy? Let’s write lengthN.

It’s not quite as easy as lengthN n = n, but it’s really not too bad. Our generated function can totally ignore its argument, so let’s just use a _ pattern match there. We can use LitE to create some literal expression. Since we obviously have n, just give back the integer literal form of n.

lengthN :: Int -> Q Exp
lengthN n =
  pure . LamE [VarP $ mkName "_"] $
    LitE . IntegerL $ toInteger n

length can of course work on structures of length 0:

$(rangeOverTuples 0 "length" lengthN)

That’s actually kind of pretty.

length0 = \ _ -> 0
length1 = \ _ -> 1
length2 = \ _ -> 2
length3 = \ _ -> 3
length4 = \ _ -> 4
length5 = \ _ -> 5

Your Intergalactic Rights are Null (and Void?)

I think we’re really getting the hang of things. After length, null shouldn’t be too bad.

Try writing nullN. You’ll want to know ConE, which helps you write constructors.

nullN :: Int -> Q Exp
nullN n =
  pure . LamE [namedTupleP n] . ConE $
    if n == 0
    then mkName "True"
    else mkName "False"

That looks good, but I do have a suggestion. TH gives us multiple ways to create Names. So far, we’ve just been using mkName, but we can also construct names directly based on what’s currently in scope. Use '' for types, and ' for values. For example, if I wanted to use ConT, I could write ''Bool to get the name. If you like, take a look at the docs for more explanation.

Because True and False are values, and they’re in scope, we can get those names with a single tick '

nullN :: Int -> Q Exp
nullN n =
  pure . LamE [namedTupleP n] . ConE $
    if n == 0
    then 'True
    else 'False

It looks like nullN works

null0 = \ () -> True
null1 = \ Unitx1 -> False
null2 = \ (x1, x2) -> False
null3 = \ (x1, x2, x3) -> False
null4 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4) -> False
null5 = \ (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> False

Mapping our way out of here

An alien steps in and informs us that we only have to write one more function! Additionally, because tuples can have different types in different slots, we’re now allowed to assume homogenously typed tuples (t2 :: (a, a), t3 :: (a, a, a), etc.). The last function we need to come up with is mapN. It would be possible to build a multimap that maps different functions over different types, but we’re only here to replace functions on lists.

As ever, let’s start with the basics.

mapN :: Int -> Q Exp
mapN n = do

Peeking at the list definition map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] shows us we now have two arguments. Let’s call the first one (the function) f:

  let f = mkName "f"

We still have namedTupleP n as part of our pattern match, but we also want to grab f there as well. The overall pattern match will look something like f (x1, x2, x3) in the end.

  let args = [VarP f, namedTupleP n]

The Exp way to apply some expression to another is AppE. We can use this to actually apply f to each of the xs.

  let applyFunc x = AppE (VarE f) (VarE x)

Then, we construct a new tuple with the function applied to each element.

  pure $ LamE args $ TupE . map (Just . applyFunc) $ names 1 n

Putting it all together…

mapN :: Int -> Q Exp
mapN n = do
  let f = mkName "f"
      args = [VarP f, namedTupleP n]
      applyFunc x = AppE (VarE f) (VarE x)
  pure $ LamE args $ TupE . map (Just . applyFunc) $ names 1 n

The generated code looks like it does what was expected

map0 = \ f () -> ()
map1 = \ f Unitx1 -> Unit f x1
map2 = \ f (x1, x2) -> (f x1, f x2)
map3 = \ f (x1, x2, x3) -> (f x1, f x2, f x3)
map4 = \ f (x1, x2, x3, x4) -> (f x1, f x2, f x3, f x4)
map5 = \ f (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> (f x1, f x2, f x3, f x4, f x5)

Satisfied, we set maxTupleSize back to 62.


The jailer returns, swinging open the creaky door of our oddly comfortable coding cell. As we exit the hallway, starshine streams in through a large window. We board a nondescript craft and return to earth, satisfied with the job we’ve done, but somewhat worried about the fate of humanity.

On the way back we discuss what a silly, contrived, ridiculous thing it is to want a Tuple Prelude. In the end though, whether using recursion to operate on a list, or using TH metaprogramming to generate functions on tuples, it’s all just ranging over data structures. There’s a sort of beautiful simplicity to this deep connectedness of alien and human programming styles, even with very different surfaces.

In the interest of furthering human-alien relations, it might be worthwhile to convert a few more functions. Potentially interesting ones include:

In the last case, you’re combining pairs of two tuple sizes, so you’ll need to do more work than just mapping over tuple sizes once.

Aliens might also appreciate more thorough use of FunD rather than LamE everywhere.

As we disembark, I promise you I’ll put everything we’ve learned in a github repo for easier reference.