In my last post about writing a database-backed Servant API, I mentioned at the end how using a library like Persistent might be nicer than having strings of raw SQL strewn throughout our code. Here, we’re going to do just that. I’ll be referencing that previous post a bit, so it might be helpful to have read it.
Several of the techniques here come straight out of servant-persistent. However, I’m going to focus on explaining how to put together a truly minimal working app, with as little code as possible, whereas that example does a whole lot more (like proper logging, environment management, and handling exceptions correctly). I definitely recommend reading through that repo for furthering your understanding.1
I’ll breeze past explaining how Persistent works a bit, so we can focus on using it in our API.2
Last time, in the service of data management, we built a record representing a row in our database table of piano exercises.
data Exercise = Exercise
exerciseBpm :: Int
{ exerciseName :: Text
, exerciseAll12Keys :: Bool
}deriving (Eq, Show)
$(deriveJSON (dropPrefix "exercise") ''Exercise)
With Persistent, we do something a little different and define models
with a syntax like the below. We’ve also made a few changes to our
constraints on the data, as well as added the new Hands
type, which I’ll explain in a second.
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate
name Text
UniqueName name
bpm Int
hands Hands
allKeys Bool
deriving Eq, Show
|]$(deriveJSON (dropPrefix "exercise") ''Exercise)
Whereas with sqlite-simple we would have had to write raw SQL to make
sure that e.g. every exercise in the database had a unique name, here we
can just add the UniqueName name
constraint. This will
ensure that we don’t accidentally add duplicate names when we don’t want
Our JSON deriving is exactly the same as before, because
builds a record type with the prefix
, just as we did manually before. The
and Show
deriving is also pretty
Note that we don’t have to write instances akin to
and ToRow
, as existing Persistent
instances for Text, Int, etc. take care of most of that marshalling for
us already. However, we have added a new column: Hands
is a simple enum with three possible values
-- left, right, or hands together
data Hands = LH | RH | HT
deriving (Eq, Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Hands)
However, because this is a custom type, we need to do a bit of work
to get it flowing to and from our database properly. First, we need an
instance of PersistFieldSql
that notes what type
should have in SQL-land:
instance PersistFieldSql Hands where
= SqlOther "hands" sqlType _
We also need to describe how Hands
should be encoded.
Sqlite doesn’t support enums directly, so instead we can use a
type, and provide error messages for invalid
instance PersistField Hands where
= PersistText . T.pack . show
toPersistValue PersistText hands) = case hands of
fromPersistValue ("LH" -> Right LH
"RH" -> Right RH
"HT" -> Right HT
-> Left $
_ "Invalid hands encoding in database: " <> hands
= Left $
fromPersistValue v "Invalid hands format in database: " <> T.pack (show v)
This might seem as bad as ToRow
, but remember that we got all of the columns we
used last time for free, from the model definition. It’s only because
we’ve added this new sum type (which we can use in Haskell-land with
abandon) that we’re running into having to write these instances
There is a function
runSqlite :: MonadUnliftIO m => Text -> ReaderT SqlBackend (NoLoggingT (ResourceT m)) a -> m a
we can use to essentially replace our old withConn
, but
with better types backing it up. We no longer have to write a form of
connection management ourselves, because we have this
to grab configuration values from.
To use runSqlite
directly with a Servant
, we would need to put together a
instance. Handler
’s newtype
looks like this:
newtype Handler a = Handler
runHandler' :: ExceptT ServerError IO a } {
We can write an instance of Handler
straightforwardly, though withRunInIO
’s type of
MonadUnliftIO m => ((forall a . () => m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> m b
isn’t exactly something to sneeze at.
instance MonadUnliftIO Handler where
withRunInIO run Handler $
$ \r ->
withRunInIO $ r . runHandler' run
We now need to implement withRunInIO
ExceptT ServerError IO
, because that’s what our “inner”
is working with here. However, doing the same
thing as we did above for ExceptT
doesn’t really make
sense. As a rule of thumb, trying to use MonadUnliftIO
“stateful” monads (StateT
, ExceptT
, etc.)
isn’t going to work.3
So, instead of just adding instances to Servant’s existing
, we’ll need to come up with something a bit more
Instead of hardcoding values like last time, let’s keep a record
around to simplify. Here, we add a ConnectionPool
, as well
as the Port
and DatabaseName
we had last time
(as hardcoded values).
data Config = Config
configPool :: ConnectionPool
{ configPort :: Port
, configDatabaseName :: Text
, }
Instead of using Handler
directly, we’ll need some other
type. We can use our Config
in a ReaderT
ExceptT ServerError
, to get both convenient access to the
(through Reader
), as well as recovering how Handler
on the inside.
newtype AppT m a =
runApp ::
{ReaderT Config (ExceptT ServerError m) a
Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
( MonadReader Config, MonadError ServerError
, )
Since we’ll mainly be using this AppT
as a transformer
on IO
, it’s convenient to have a type synonym
type App = AppT IO
Finally, we need a way to take some App
and transform it
into Handler
, in the context of some Config
This is surprisingly straightforward if we remember that
and runApp
do what we want.
convertApp :: Config -> App a -> Handler a
= do
convertApp config app Handler $ runReaderT (runApp app) config
When I said we were done with withConn
, that was
slightly misleading. We still want a similar function around, as a way
to grab connections to the database in context. However, instead of
being at the per-query level, like withConn
, now we’re at
the per-app level, managing an entire pool of connections, and providing
access to that pool via Reader
withConfig :: (Config -> IO a) -> IO a
= do
withConfig action let dbname = "pianoreps.db"
!pool <- createSqlitePool dbname 1
action = pool
{ configPool = 1810
, configPort = dbname
, configDatabaseName }
Again looking for replacements of functionality we had last time, we
need some way to migrate
. Glancing at our Persistent models
definition, we see that we’re using mkMigrate
to create a
way to do migration…called migrate
"migrate"] share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate
To use this, we’ll need to runMigration
in the context
of some pool that we can grab from a Config
initialize :: Config -> IO Application
Config{..} = do
runSqlPool (runMigration migrate) configPoolpure $ app Config{..}
calls through to app
, which does
the same work as before, but with App
instead of
. This isn’t the cleanest way to handle this in the
long term, but it’s enough for now when we only have a few
app :: Config -> Application
= serve (Proxy :: Proxy API) $
app config :<|>
convertApp config exercises -> convertApp config (addExercise ex)) :<|>
(\ex convertApp config populate
Running the actual server on some port is a process of putting pieces
together. Grab a Config
with withConfig
initialize an Application
, and start running it.
main :: IO ()
= do
main $ \Config{..} -> do
withConfig <- initialize Config{..}
application putStrLn $ "running on port " <> show configPort
run configPort application
Because we’re now handling the database connection bit of
at a higher level, with a pool, we’ll need some
way to get access to that pool to run database actions on it.
works great for this sort of thing, allowing us to
grab the pool and do DB stuff from anywhere in an App
runDB ::
MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) =>
(SqlPersistT IO b -> m b
= do
runDB query <- asks configPool
pool $ runSqlPool query pool liftIO
A prime example of how Persistent helps clean up is
. Here’s an old, sqlite-simple style version,
with its raw SQL string (don’t miss a ?
addExercise :: Exercise -> Handler ()
= liftIO $ withConn $ \conn -> do
addExercise exercise
execute conn"INSERT INTO exercises (bpm, name, all12keys) \
VALUES (?,?,?)" exercise
And here it is with Persistent working hard behind the scenes!
addExercise :: Exercise -> App ()
addExercise exercise $ insert_ exercise runDB
is similarly nice-and-typesafe now.
exercises :: App [Exercise]
= runDB $ map entityVal <$> selectList [] [] exercises
Now, let’s quickly demonstrate adding another endpoint. This endpoint
will generate a random Exercise
, insert it into the DB, and
return it to us. We’ll call it populate
type API =
"list" :> Get '[JSON] [Exercise] :<|>
"add" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Exercise :> Post '[JSON] () :<|>
"populate" :> Get '[JSON] Exercise
is easy enough to implement since we have
direct access to randomness via liftIO
populate :: App Exercise
= do
populate rand :: Int <- liftIO $ randomRIO (1, 1000)
bpm :: Int <- liftIO $ randomRIO (60, 180)
<- liftIO $ pickOne [LH, RH, HT]
hands <- liftIO $ pickOne [True, False]
all12 let exercise = Exercise
"Exercise " <> T.pack (show rand)) bpm hands all12
($ insert_ exercise
runDB pure exercise
As a nice bonus, we can very easily log exactly which raw SQL queries are being executed.
However, my initial implementation was a bit flawed, which stumped me for a bit as I didn’t realize why my web server seemed to be hanging.
instance MonadLogger IO where
= do
monadLoggerLog loc src lvl msg $ monadLoggerLog loc src lvl msg liftIO
However, that is of course an infinite loop. Don’t just copy and paste a function and all its arguments!
This sort of thing provides a saner, finitely-terminating situation. (You can get much deeper into piping logs around though).4
instance MonadLogger IO where
= do
monadLoggerLog loc src lvl msg $ T.pack (show lvl) <> ": " <>
say . fromLogStr $ toLogStr msg) (decodeUtf8
That will produce logs that look like this
LevelDebug: SELECT "id", "name", "bpm", "hands", "all_keys" FROM "exercise"; []
LevelDebug: INSERT INTO "exercise"("name","bpm","hands","all_keys") VALUES(?,?,?,?); [PersistText "Exercise 907",PersistInt64 172,PersistText "LH",PersistBool True]
SQLite3 returned ErrorConstraint while attempting to perform step: UNIQUE constraint failed:
LevelDebug: INSERT INTO "exercise"("name","bpm","hands","all_keys") VALUES(?,?,?,?); [PersistText "Exercise 469",PersistInt64 64,PersistText "LH",PersistBool False]
LevelDebug: SELECT "id" FROM "exercise" WHERE _ROWID_=last_insert_rowid(); []
LevelDebug: SELECT "id", "name", "bpm", "hands", "all_keys" FROM "exercise"; []
As expected, Persistent provides a nicer interface than littering raw
SQL strings around, although I was not expecting the extra
work to be necessary at the
outset. However, looking back it’s not so bad, and this is a codebase
I’d much rather come back and add on to, vs. one without autogenerated
models, or a nice SQL DSL.
As ever, you can see all the code on github.
You can also read its accompanying blog post, which I promise I didn’t know existed until after I did this whole writeup↩︎
If you’re not familiar, maybe try this Persistent tutorial, which is also using Sqlite↩︎
I thought this Stack Overflow answer was pretty helpful↩︎
Again, check out servant-persistent for a lot more depth on making this approach manage more of what you might want to manage about an API service’s backend↩︎